© Labdaros ir paramos fondas BYSOL
BYSOL Solidarity Foundation
Fund for Assistance to Repressed
Belarusians and their families.

Since 2020, BYSOL has been providing multi-profile assistance to political prisoners and their families in Belarus.

During its existence from August 2020 to October 2023 BYSOL has provided €6.1 million in assistance to repressed Belarusians.

In 2020
We paid €2.9 million to Belarusians dismissed for political reasons, as well as to those who were forced to leave Belarus because of political persecution.
In 2021
More than €1.3 million was paid to political prisoners and their families. In addition to our core activities, we ran a successful campaign to pay veterans for the 9th of May.
In 2022
As part of its program activities, BYSOL has helped more than €1.1 million to the victims of the regime, Belarusians, their families, and Belarusan volunteers in the war in Ukraine.

In addition to financial assistance, in 2022 we opened a hotline, which processed more than 16,000 requests. The BYSOL team has carried out 850 successful evacuations from Belarus - that's a lot of stories of people and their families, as well as chances for a better future for them.
In 2023
BYSOL helped with more than €1.056 million to the victims of the regime, their families, and Belarusan volunteers in the war in Ukraine.

In addition to financial assistance, more than 200 political prisoners were retrained for a new profession, 14 civic initiatives were supported with more than €50k, and 224 people were taken out of Belarus to safe countries.

BYSOL is all of us. Keep working!
We have helped over 20,000 people and continue to do so every day!
Every week we open and close personal fundraisers, we finance evacuations, and we make payments to political prisoners and their families.
The fund is now working in the following areas
to help target groups:
Support for released political prisoners
What do we do? We provide financial assistance to political prisoners who have been released.

Why do we do this? We created a charity campaign to help former political prisoners restore their health after being in inhuman conditions in Belarusian prisons and reception centers. Their mental and physical state has suffered greatly and now people need support to improve their health.
Support for families of political prisoners
What are we doing? We provide financial support to the families of Belarusians who are now in unfreedom, in colonies and prisons.

Why do we do this? Families of Belarusians in detention often face financial difficulties due to the absence of a main (or two) breadwinner or due to pressure and repression from the state. By providing financial support, we help them to overcome this difficult period while their loved ones go through the ordeal of unfreedom. It is also a way for us to show solidarity and demonstrate that they are not alone.
Support for emergency evacuation from Belarus
What we do? Advice and organization of urgent evacuation from Belarus to a safe country.

Why do we do it? In Belarus, a large number of people are still at risk of imprisonment or criminal prosecution for expressing their political views and civic position. There are still detentions and trials going on. Repression in Belarus has continued, unabated since 2021. BYSOL helps people with rapid movement to a safe country, even if they are already out of the country*.

Non-exit status refers to a restriction imposed on a citizen of a country that prohibits him or her from traveling outside that country's borders.
Support for civic initiatives
What do we do? We grant grants to local, grassroots initiatives aimed at work in the field of human rights and assistance to the repressed in Belarus. Over 245 activist initiatives have received financial and resource support.

Why do we do this? We aim to strengthen civil society in Belarus and support those who are still fighting for human rights and democracy inside and outside Belarus. Given the difficult political environment and repression of activists and human rights defenders in Belarus, our support becomes critical to keep local initiatives alive.
Support of Belarusian volunteers in the war in Ukraine
What are we doing? Financial and other humanitarian aid to Belarusian volunteers in Ukraine.

Why do we do it? We have provided over €480,000 worth of aid over the course of our work. We have also provided more than 35 vehicles, including ambulances. We condemn Russia's aggression, considering it unjust and invasive, and we do everything in our power to support Ukraine.
Support for repressed Belarusians – personal fundraisers
What we do? We operate as a fundraising platform for individual fundraisers. Our platform is open for charitable collections to all our target groups, i.e. all victims of political repression.

Our fundraising platform is also a unique crypto-product that allows you to bring money to those in need in Belarus under the iron financial curtain. This helps hundreds of affected people!

We offer a secure blockchain solution for the safe transfer of cryptocurrencies to countries with dictatorial regimes. This solution bypasses the restrictions of traditional banking systems, allowing secure and anonymous transactions. Especially valuable for people in countries with tightly controlled financial systems or subject to economic sanctions. Provides a safe and secure means of financial support to those in need.

We are open to new partnerships!
Our goal is to build a mutually beneficial cooperation
with each partner.
If you would like to donate to us and become a private donor, please contact at [email protected]
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